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Article: Which cards should I buy from the first and second chapters before the release of the new expansion?

Quali carte devo acquistare del primo e secondo capitolo prima dell'uscita della nuova espansione?

Which cards should I buy from the first and second chapters before the release of the new expansion?

As in all collectible games, also in Lorcana there are "staples", i.e. the cards currently most played and which thanks to their strength are dominating the metagame and which we will most likely also find in the next expansions. I have selected for you the three best cards by color in terms of power-level/ price ratio, which in my opinion are absolutely worth buying.


Ariel Spectacular singer . This card is certainly the beating heart of Amber-Steel songs , a deck that dominated the first season, and still played a supporting role within the metagame . It is the classic card which, going forward with the release of new expansions and consequently new songs to be "tutored", will acquire an increasingly higher power-level .

Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation . The same reasoning applies to this card as for Ariel. His Singer 3 skill will make us jump with every new spoiler in which we will see songs at the cost of 3 ink . S tapl and which in my honest opinion will accompany us for a long time in the coming years, since he has demonstrated his versatility not only in Amber-Steel songs (singing both Strength of a raging fire and Let the storm rage on ) also in Amber- Amethyst Aggro (singing Friends on the other Side ).

Lantern. Lantern is a versatile card that has seen play in many decks, including Amber-Ruby midrange and Amber-Steel songs/midrange . What makes it an extraordinary card is the possibility of discounting the shift cost, giving us the possibility of dominating the board very quickly.


Be Prepared . Be prepared is definitely the core for all Lorcana control decks. We've seen its indispensability on both Ruby-Amethyst Bounce Control and Ruby-Sapphire Ramp .

Obviously we won't be able to know how Into The Inkland's will change the metagame , but without a doubt it is a card worth investing in.

Lady Tremaine-Imperious Queen . Card initially greatly underestimated, but which soon forcefully entered the meta in all Ruby decks. The possibility of being able to shift them one on top of the other and then use the bounce mechanic to replay it in Ruby-Amethyst made it incredibly high-performance.

Maui-Hero to All. Maui 's power-level is indisputable and will be even more so with the advent of location , the new type of card that could revolutionize Lorcana. The possibility of immediately attacking the locations will make it even more performing and therefore deserves to rightfully enter our wish list.


Fishbone quill : We understood that S apphire 's main strategy is to generate large quantities of ink and then close the game with very expensive characters, but with an incredible power-level such as Hades-Infernal schemer and Tamatoa-So Shiny . If you love playing this type of deck known as "ramp" decks, then you absolutely must grab four copies of this item , which we have seen as a key card in both Steel-Sapphire and Ruby-Sapphire.

Hiram Flaversham-Toymaker : Hiram associated with the i time Pawpsicle gives rise to one of the best performing synergies that have been created in Lorcana up to this moment. His consistent body allows us to go on quests and possibly draw two more cards in addition to those already potentially drawn when he entered the board . It is undoubtedly the engine of all ramp decks and therefore a staple of this archetype.

Cogsworth-Grandfather clock : The first time I read this card during the spoilers for Rise of the Floodborn , I was struck by the numerous abilities it possessed, believing that it could forcefully enter the new metagame . Its ink cost combined with its ward ability is exploited in particular in Steel-Sapphire ramp to be able to quickly sing A whole new world without our opponents being able to interact with removal . Furthermore, in attrition match-ups with large boards, the Resist +1 ability to all other characters is a big advantage. The last skill to analyze, Shift 3 , has not yet been used since there are no significant characters to shift on.


Madam Mim - Fox : The bounce strategy has literally invaded and dominated the metagame in these two months. Madam Mim-Fox is a super versatile card that has found play in pretty much every purple deck. Having to take one of our characters back into our hands is only apparently a penalty, since it allows us to replay creatures with very strong Etb in the late game and at the same time control the early game with its Rush ability.

Merlin - Rabbit . Making a perfect pair with Madam Mim Fox/Snake we find Merlin-Rabbit . The latter is the draw engine of all bounce and absolute staple decks of the archetype. If I had to find a flaw in this card it is certainly its non-inkability.

Arthur Wizard's Apprentice : In my opinion, Arthur is a card with enormous potential, and with the next expansions it could find even more play, in particular if new cards were to come out that allow us to make one of our characters ready again to protect him (like Lefou-Instigator ).


Kuzco-Temperamental Emperor . Although Emerald disappeared from the radar of the metagame in the second season, the first spoilers are giving hope to lovers of aggro decks, which we have so far only seen in an Amber-Amethyst key. Kuzco ensures us 3 lore since very few cards can interact with this character if ready and also forces our opponent to lose an important character in case he is banned .

Prince John - Greediest of All . Prince John is currently and will be in the future, a staple of the discard archetype. It is a card that needs significant deck building , as we saw in Emerald-Steel discard , a true counter deck of tier 0 Ruby-Amethyst .

Beast-Relentless : Beast is the flop card of Rise of the Floodborn since everyone expected it to be dominant, but it wasn't and it quickly fell into oblivion. In my opinion it remains a card with unexpressed potential and I am sure that it will soon find play and become a staple of a new archetype that we can define as Damages .


A whole new world : A whole new world is in my opinion the strongest card printed in Lorcana. The tier decks in which it saw play were Amber-Steel songs and Steel-Sapphire ramp , but I have absolute certainty that it will continue to be present in the meta and, to put it bluntly, it will become one of the symbolic cards of the game. If you love Lorcana you must buy four copies!

Grab your sword : Another Steel staple . Doing two free damage often accompanied by the damage of Tinker Bell-Giant Fairy is synonymous with Wrath of God. Indispensable card.

Strength of a Raging Fire : The last card I decided to consider is another song. Strength saw play early in Amber-Steel songs , but it is undoubtedly a very strong card in those aggressive decks that want to make boards quickly, trying to maintain control.


As you may have noticed, I decided to select for you some cards that could soon increase their value, avoiding analyzing legendary cards, such as Rapunzel-Gifted with Healing , Maleficent-Monstrous Dragon , despite them being cards with an undisputed, but very expensive in economic terms. The wait for the new expansion Into the Inklands is therefore coming to an end, who knows what the new metagame will have in store for us.

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