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Manga & Comics

Prepare to immerse yourself in a universe where ink and paper give life to limitless worlds. Manga and comics are not simply publications, but portals to unexplored dimensions, where heroes and antiheroes fight epic battles, love transcends the boundaries of reality, and adventure awaits around every corner.

From the rising sun with its samurai, mecha pilots and wizards, to American metropolises populated by masked superheroes and vigilantes, our collection is a melting pot of narratives that defy the imagination. Whether you are a faithful follower of the warrior's path with "Berserk" , an explorer of new realities with "My Hero Academia" , or a defender of justice with "Batman" and "Spider-Man" , we have something that will awaken the hero inside you.

Explore, dream, live the stories you've always wanted. The journey between manga and comics begins, where each page is an adventure just waiting to be experienced.

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9829 products

Hitler is Dead 01
Hitler is Dead 01 Sale price€13,90
Hexed 02
Hexed 02 Sale price€18,00
Hexed 01
Hexed 01 Sale price€18,00
Sex Criminals 01
Sex Criminals 01 Sale price€14,00
Star Wars: Lando
Star Wars: Lando Sale price€12,00
Faith 02
Faith 02 Sale price€8,90
History of Dogs
History of Dogs Sale price€16,90
Drifter 02
Drifter 02 Sale price€13,00
Dragonero the Rebel 12
Dragonero the Rebel 12 Sale price€3,90
Sweet Paprika 01 - Regular
Sweet Paprika 01 - Regular Sale price€11,90
Sweet Paprika 01 - Variant
Sweet Paprika 01 - Variant Sale price€13,90
Hot Paprika Delust Edition
Hot Paprika Delust Edition Sale price€100,00
Sweet Paprika 02 - Regular
Sweet Paprika 02 - Regular Sale price€11,90
Sweet Paprika 02 - Variant
Sweet Paprika 02 - Variant Sale price€13,90
Hot Paprika 03
Hot Paprika 03 Sale price€11,90
Sweet Paprika 03 - Regular
Sweet Paprika 03 - Regular Sale price€11,90
Sweet Paprika 03 - Variant
Sweet Paprika 03 - Variant Sale price€13,90
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 31
Sold outZerocalcare: Twelve
Zerocalcare: Twelve Sale price€13,00
Demian 17
Demian 17 Sale price€3,00
Sold outDeep Vacation
Deep Vacation Sale price€21,00
Day Men 02
Day Men 02 Sale price€14,00
Day Men 01
Day Men 01 Sale price€14,00
The Chronicles of Eternal Warrior 03
The Chronicles of Eternal Warrior 02
The Chronicles of Eternal Warrior 01
California Dreamin'
California Dreamin' Sale price€19,00
Torture Garden 03
Torture Garden 03 Sale price€5,90
Das Upgrade 01
Das Upgrade 01 Sale price€16,00
Das Upgrade 02
Das Upgrade 02 Sale price€16,00
Valter Buio (2017) 03
Valter Buio (2017) 03 Sale price€20,00
Assassin's Creed (Corriere dello Sport) El Cakr
Assassin's Creed (Corriere dello Sport) Brahman - Part 1
Sold outAssassin's Creed Sunset (2017)
A year without you - DAMAGED
A year without you - DAMAGED Sale price€20,00
XO Manowar 10
XO Manowar 10 Sale price€8,90
XO Manowar 11
XO Manowar 11 Sale price€8,90
XO Manowar 12
XO Manowar 12 Sale price€8,90
Xblade Cross 07
Xblade Cross 07 Sale price€4,95
XIII Mystery 11
XIII Mystery 11 Sale price€14,00
Reconquests 2
Reconquests 2 Sale price€13,00
Crossed 13
Crossed 13 Sale price€13,00
Elves 4 - 100% Collection
Elves 4 - 100% Collection Sale price€14,00
Zagor: The Good and the Bad - Single Volume
Sold outZagor Presents: Cico Collection 02
Red 4 Town 4 Real
Red 4 Town 4 Real Sale price€8,00
Kilala Princess 01 - Regular