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Manga & Comics

Prepare to immerse yourself in a universe where ink and paper give life to limitless worlds. Manga and comics are not simply publications, but portals to unexplored dimensions, where heroes and antiheroes fight epic battles, love transcends the boundaries of reality, and adventure awaits around every corner.

From the rising sun with its samurai, mecha pilots and wizards, to American metropolises populated by masked superheroes and vigilantes, our collection is a melting pot of narratives that defy the imagination. Whether you are a faithful follower of the warrior's path with "Berserk" , an explorer of new realities with "My Hero Academia" , or a defender of justice with "Batman" and "Spider-Man" , we have something that will awaken the hero inside you.

Explore, dream, live the stories you've always wanted. The journey between manga and comics begins, where each page is an adventure just waiting to be experienced.

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9829 products

The Promised Neverland Novel 02 - The Song of Memories
Sold outThe Promised Neverland Novel 03 - Stories of Warrior Friends
Sold outTokyo Ghoul Days - Romanzo 1
Tokyo Ghoul Days - Romanzo 1 Sale price€12,00
Sold outTokyo Ghoul Void - Romanzo 02
The Dog Who Looks at the Stars Stories
Boruto Naruto Next Generations Novel 05
Boruto Naruto Next Generations Novel 04
Boruto Naruto Next Generations Novel 03
Boruto Naruto Next Generations Novel 02
Boruto Naruto Next Generations Novel 01
Toradora! 03 - Novel
Toradora! 03 - Novel Sale price€12,00
Sold outBleach Can't Fear Your Own World 03
Sold outBleach Can't Fear Your Own World 02
Sold outBleach Can't Fear Your Own World 01 - Reprint 1
Black Clover, the Book of Yuno
Black Clover, the Book of the Bull
Black Clover, the Book of Knights
Until I Meet My Husband - Novel
Weathering With You - Novel
Weathering With You - Novel Sale price€15,00
Your Name - Novel
Your Name - Novel Sale price€14,00
Your Name, Another Side: Earthbound - Novel
Sold outPhenomena Vol. 01 – The Golden City of Eyes
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 08 (+ Bone Shredder card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 07 (+ Counterspell card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 06 (+ Crop Rotation card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 05 (+ Dark Ritual card)
Sold out300 by Frank Miller - Ultra Limited Edition
Sold out300 by Frank Miller - Limited Edition
300 by Frank Miller - Variant
Sold out300 by Frank Miller - Regular
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 04 (+ Voltaic Key card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 03 (+ Duress card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 02 (+ Shock card)
Sold outMagic the Gathering – Destroy All Humankind. They Can't Be Regenerated 01 (+ Diabolic Edict card)
Sold outDarth Vader – The Dark Lord of the Sith
Sold outMagic: The Gathering – The Official Cookbook
Sold outCyberpunk 2077 – Blackout
Cyberpunk 2077 – Blackout Sale price€18,00
Sold outThe Witcher 04
The Witcher 04 Sale price€4,90
Sold outIF – Imaginary Foundation
IF – Imaginary Foundation Sale price€20,00
Sold outThe Walking Dead - Color Edition Slipcase 10
Sold outThe Walking Dead - Color Edition 31
Sold outChamomiles and Horses 01 – Lightning Strike
Sold outAlice Forever Volume
Alice Forever Volume Sale price€15,90
Sold outThe Walking Dead - Color Edition 30
Sold outBrit 03 – Difficult Lives
Brit 03 – Difficult Lives Sale price€16,90
Sold outDungeons & Dragons 08 – Mindbreaker
Sold outThe Silver Coin – The Silver Coin 03
Sold outConan the Barbarian Omnibus: Classic Era 09