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Manga & Comics

Prepare to immerse yourself in a universe where ink and paper give life to limitless worlds. Manga and comics are not simply publications, but portals to unexplored dimensions, where heroes and antiheroes fight epic battles, love transcends the boundaries of reality, and adventure awaits around every corner.

From the rising sun with its samurai, mecha pilots and wizards, to American metropolises populated by masked superheroes and vigilantes, our collection is a melting pot of narratives that defy the imagination. Whether you are a faithful follower of the warrior's path with "Berserk" , an explorer of new realities with "My Hero Academia" , or a defender of justice with "Batman" and "Spider-Man" , we have something that will awaken the hero inside you.

Explore, dream, live the stories you've always wanted. The journey between manga and comics begins, where each page is an adventure just waiting to be experienced.

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9829 products

Naruto Novel 011 - Reprint 1
Naruto Novel 011 - Reprint 1 Sale price€12,90
Naruto Novel 07 - Reprint 1
Naruto Novel 07 - Reprint 1 Sale price€9,90
Naruto Novel 05 - Reprint 2
Naruto Novel 05 - Reprint 2 Sale price€12,90
Naruto Novel 04 - Reprint 4
Naruto Novel 04 - Reprint 4 Sale price€12,90
Naruto Novel 03
Naruto Novel 03 Sale price€9,90
Sold outNaruto Novel 02
Naruto Novel 02 Sale price€9,90
Overlord - The Dark Warrior
Overlord - The Dark Warrior Sale price€14,00
Overlord - The Bloody Valkyrie
Overlord - The Heroic Lizardmen
Overlord - The Valiant of the Kingdom Part 1
Overlord - The Valiant of the Kingdom Part 2
Overlord - The two Leaders
Overlord - The two Leaders Sale price€14,00
Overlord - The Enchanter Scourge of Armies
Sold outMy Hero Academia The Movie Heroes Rising Novel
I Got Reincarnated As a Slime 02
Sold outI Got Reincarnated As a Slime 01
The immortal novel The monster with the silver mask
L Change The World - REPRINT 4
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 10
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 08
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 07
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 04
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 03
Kuroko's Basket Replace Plus 02
Re:Zero Light Novel 03
Re:Zero Light Novel 03 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 06
Re:Zero Light Novel 06 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 07
Re:Zero Light Novel 07 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 08
Re:Zero Light Novel 08 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 09
Re:Zero Light Novel 09 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 10
Re:Zero Light Novel 10 Sale price€12,00
Re:Zero Light Novel 11
Re:Zero Light Novel 11 Sale price€14,00
Josee, the Tiger and the Fishes - Novel
Haruhi Suzumiya's Restlessness
Sold outThe Apothecary's Monologue 01
Sasuke The Morning Light - Reprint 1
A Sandwich in Ginza
A Sandwich in Ginza Sale price€19,90
The Fury of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Fury of Haruhi Suzumiya Sale price€12,00
Summer Wars - Novel
Summer Wars - Novel Sale price€13,90
Drifting Dragons The Novel
Drifting Dragons The Novel Sale price€13,90
Sword Art Online: Aincrad - Romanzo 01
Sword Art Online: Aincrad - Romanzo 02
Sword Art Online: Fairy Dance - Romanzo 02
Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet - Romanzo 01
Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet - Romanzo 02
Sword Art Online: Mother's Rosario - Romanzo
Demon Slayer - Kimetsu No Yaiba: The One-Winged Butterfly
Demon Slayer - Kimetsu No Yaiba: Signals of the Wind
The Promised Neverland Novel 01 - A Letter from Norman