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Manga & Comics

Prepare to immerse yourself in a universe where ink and paper give life to limitless worlds. Manga and comics are not simply publications, but portals to unexplored dimensions, where heroes and antiheroes fight epic battles, love transcends the boundaries of reality, and adventure awaits around every corner.

From the rising sun with its samurai, mecha pilots and wizards, to American metropolises populated by masked superheroes and vigilantes, our collection is a melting pot of narratives that defy the imagination. Whether you are a faithful follower of the warrior's path with "Berserk" , an explorer of new realities with "My Hero Academia" , or a defender of justice with "Batman" and "Spider-Man" , we have something that will awaken the hero inside you.

Explore, dream, live the stories you've always wanted. The journey between manga and comics begins, where each page is an adventure just waiting to be experienced.

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9829 products

The Promised Neverland: Grace Field Collection Set - Box 01
The Promised Neverland: Grace Field Collection Set - Box 02
The Promised Neverland: Grace Field Collection Set - Box 03
Classroom of the Elite 04.5 - Regular
Classroom of the Elite 04 + 04.5 - Limited Edition with Box
Classroom of the Elite 04 - Regular
Classroom of the Elite 03 - Limited Edition with Box
Classroom of the Elite 03 - Regular
The Grandmaster Demonic School 01 - Novel
Sold outThe Blessing of the Divine Officer 01
Naruto Novel: Itachi - The Night - Second Reprint
I Got Reincarnated As a Slime 04
Classroom of the Elite 02 - Regular
I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 01 - Reprint
Sold outNaruto – The Movie: Blood Prison
Sold outThe Apothecary's Monologue 02
Sold outI Was Reincarnated As a Slime 01 - Limited Edition
Sold outDanmachi Light Novel 14
Danmachi Light Novel 14 Sale price€14,00
Sold outTo You Who Know the Blue Sky: Her Blue Sky Novel
Sold outClassroom of the Elite 01 - Regular
I Got Reincarnated As a Slime 03
Belle, Illustrated Novel
Belle, Illustrated Novel Sale price€15,00
Fine, Romance
Fine, Romance Sale price€12,90
Sold outThe Garden of Words
The Garden of Words Sale price€14,00
Sword Art Online: Fairy Dance - Romanzo 01
Sold outDeath note: Another Note - Fifth Reprint
Sold outDeath Note: Illuminate the New World - Novel
Sold outThe Tunnel To Summer, The Exit Of Goodbyes: Ultramarine - Novel
Overlord The Novel 10
Overlord The Novel 10 Sale price€14,00
Sold outDragon Ball Super: Super Heroes - Novel
Suzume - Novel
Suzume - Novel Sale price€16,50
One Piece: Film Red Novel
One Piece: Film Red Novel Sale price€15,00
Sold outOne Piece Novel Ace 01
One Piece Novel Ace 01 Sale price€15,00
Sold outOne Piece Novel Ace 02
One Piece Novel Ace 02 Sale price€15,00
Sold outOne Piece Novel Law
One Piece Novel Law Sale price€15,00
The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya
Sold outNeon Genesis Soul 05
Neon Genesis Soul 05 Sale price€14,90
Sold outNeon Genesis Soul 04
Neon Genesis Soul 04 Sale price€14,90
Sold outNeon Genesis Soul 03
Neon Genesis Soul 03 Sale price€14,90
Sold outNeon Genesis Soul 02
Neon Genesis Soul 02 Sale price€14,90
Sold outNeon Genesis Soul 01
Neon Genesis Soul 01 Sale price€14,90
Naruto Novel: Sasuke's Heroic Feat
Naruto Novel The Heroic Quest of Naruto
Naruto The New Generation of the Leaf Ninja at the Spa
Naruto Novel: Itachi - The Day - Reprint 2
Naruto Novel 016
Naruto Novel 016 Sale price€12,90
Naruto Novel 014 - Reprint 1
Naruto Novel 014 - Reprint 1 Sale price€12,90
Sold outNaruto Novel 013 - Reprint 1
Naruto Novel 013 - Reprint 1 Sale price€12,90